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Ki and Ka (2016) Hindi Full Movie Download HD

Type: Indian romantic drama film

Director: R. Balki

Writers: R. Balki, Rishi Virmani

Kareena Kapoor
Arjun Kapoor
Swaroop Sampat
Rajit Kapur
Amitabh Bachchan
Jaya Bachchan


Kia (Kareena Kapoor) aims to become a successful business woman and also wishes other women to work instead of managing the house-hold and just becoming the support system of her husband. On her flight to Delhi from Chandigarh, she meets Kabir (Arjun Kapoor). The two get along very nicely and start meeting quite often. Kia discovers Kabir wants to be a 'house-husband' like his mother, who was a 'house-wife' which fits for her needs and does not want to get caught in becoming of business woman. Kia also learns that Kabir is the son of a highly successful building constructor (Rajit Kapoor) and does not want to inherit his wealth.[4]

Kia and Kabir gradually fall in love and decide to marry where Kabir would handle the household stuff while Kia would be the breadwinner. They convince their parents for this marriage and get married in a court. Their married life goes on well and Kia gets a tremendous boost in her work and is promoted. Meanwhile, the landlord of their house decides to sell the house due to financial problems and Kabir, not wanting to move out, decides to buy it. To make up the money required, he becomes a gym coach for some ladies. Soon, they are successful in buying the house.

During an interview of Kia (for her highly successful career), she mentions about her husband's role in the house and the interviewer is impressed by this. She takes an interview of Kabir also in which he explains that it does not matter if ki (girl) takes up the role of ka (boy) and ka takes up the role of ki. People are impressed by this interview and Kabir is called for many more interviews and speeches on Gender Equality. Kabir gets busy with these interviews and speeches and so he is not able to manage the house properly. This upsets Kia and gets jealous of all this attention and argues him to stop appearing publicly with the notion of publicity of their life. Kabir bashfully agrees to this.

Kia then goes to the USA for her work where Kabir does not accompany her. At a college reunion, one of Kabir's friends asks him to give an interview which he reluctantly agrees. Jaya Bachchan who sees this interview on TV, and asks Amitabh Bachchan to call Kabir as she wants to meet him in person. Kabir pays them a visit and she gives him a gift for Kia. Meanwhile, Kia's mother (Swaroop Sampat) suffers from low blood pressure and collapses. She is taken to the hospital and upon receiving this news Kia hastens back to India.

Upon learning that Kabir had gone for an interview she hurls him with abuses and accuses him of cheating her. She further tells him that he used her for his own profit to earn fame without working and he was, going to get money from his father. In all this Kabir does not say anything to her and returns to their home dejected. He starts packing to leave for Chandigarh. Kia sees the gift given by Jaya Bachchan in which is a letter which explains her feminist advise that to be a man not working but handling the house is a brave choice but to be a wife of such a man is a harder choice. The letter says that Kabir was indeed lucky to have Kia and vice versa. Kia's mother charitably tells her that Kia's jealously of Kabir's fame is the probable cause for the fight and as one who earns in the family is bound to be jealous when the other gets attention from outside their roles. Kia realizes her love for Kabir and apologizes to him for her bad-mannered mistake on the flight to Chandigarh. In the end, Kabir's father appreciates Kia's business acumen and decides to make her the CEO of his company and all ends happily.

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